Edan! Satu Keluarga Memperbesar Payudaranya!

Find out what 14-year-old Britney Marshall has decided to do that has her entire family up in arms.
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge

Britney’s 53-year-old mother and four older sisters, of Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, have all had breast implants and they are already pressuring her to get her boobs done at 18.
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge 

However, Britney plans on going to college and entering the business world and therefore feels no need to have implants.

Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge

Her mother and sisters have had over a dozen cumulative operations and have spent more than £50,000 on their boobs.
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge
Payudara Besar, Toket Gede, Toge

Sumber "http://www.menjelma.com/2012/08/edan-satu-keluarga-memperbesar.html"

Kodokoala: Gaya Hidup dan Kesehatan

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